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My victory not as important as Omar Abdullah’s defeat, says Sajad Lone | KNO

PC chief says former CM’s defeat symbolises ‘defeat of oppression, torture, killings’



kno news

Sopore, May 13 (KNO): People’s Conference (PC) president Sajad Gani Lone on Monday said that while his own victory is not the primary focus, the defeat of the former chief minister and National Conference (NC) Omar Abdullah – his rival in the Baramulla parliamentary constituency – is important. Addressing the gathering here in Sopore, Lone, as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), said, “If you vote for National Conference, they won't even allow you to enter their homes or address your issues. Give me a chance and I promise to always be there for you, to listen and address your concerns.” He added, “I come from a family of martyrs. I deeply respect you and your sentiments. My victory is not as important as Omar Abdullah’s defeat. His defeat symbolises the defeat of oppression, helplessness, torture and killings. Trust me, it will mark a new dawn for Kashmir if he loses the election.” Lone said Sopore, once known as Chhota London, has lost its former glory. “I promise to revive its past splendour and reclaim its Chhota London status within five years, which everyone failed to do in the last 40 years,” he said. “You have to decide whether you choose a tourist (Omar Abdullah) or People's Conference in the upcoming elections.” The PC chief said those seeking votes for NC are jeopardising the future of the youth in Sopore, Rafiabad, and the whole of Kashmir. “Support your brother (referring to himself), I swear it will herald a new dawn for the youth here,” he said—(KNO)



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